『どこへ行ったのか? ペルソナ3 リロードでの行方不明者の捜索』



Persona 3 Reload Missing Persons Guide

🎮🔎 Calling all Persona 3 Reload players! Have you heard about the missing persons feature in the game? If not, don’t worry, I’m here to fill you in on all the juicy details. 🕵️‍♀️

In Persona 3 Portable, the developers added a new gameplay feature where people mysteriously disappear during the Dark Hour and end up in Tartarus. This feature carries over to Persona 3 Reload, with some tweaks and adjustments. So, let’s dive in and learn more about this intriguing aspect of the game.

The Hunt Begins: Where to Find Every Missing Person 🏢

Now that you know about the missing persons, you’re probably wondering where to find them. Elizabeth, our trusty guide, will give you a heads-up about one or two missing individuals during the Early Morning phase. You can discover their names by checking the TV or the bulletin board in front of the Paulownia Mall police station.

But how do you rescue these missing souls? Fear not, my fellow gamers. I’ve got you covered! You can explore different sections of Tartarus to track them down. Just remember, the clock is ticking. If you don’t find them before the next full moon, they’re gone forever. And trust me, you don’t want that to happen.

🗒️ Quick Tip: Missing persons always appear in the most recently unlocked section of Tartarus. So make sure you’re up to date with your tower exploration!

Elizabeth and Fuuka will be your handy helpers during the rescue mission. Elizabeth can give you a range of floors where the missing person might be found on the lowest floor. Fuuka, on the other hand, will provide hints about their whereabouts when you reach teleporter floors.

And if you ever lose track of a missing person, don’t fret. You can always come back later to try and find them again. Phew, talk about a relief!

🥇 Pro Tip: When you find someone in Tartarus, you have two options—bring them back or ask for an escort. Bringing them back will reset you to the first floor, while asking for an escort lets you continue exploring Tartarus from where you left off. Choose wisely!

Rewards Await: What Do You Get for Rescuing Them? 💰

Let’s not forget about the rewards! After rescuing a missing person, Officer Kurosawa will hand you a juicy reward the next time you speak to him. And who doesn’t love rewards, right? It’s like finding treasure in the dark abyss of Tartarus.

Oh, wait! I almost forgot to mention. Did you know that there’s a risk involved in not finding these missing persons?🚨 Two of them are Social Link characters, Bunkichi Kitamura and Maiko Oohashi. If you don’t rescue them in time, you’ll be locked out of their Social Links for the rest of the game. That’s a bummer, right? So better put your detective skills to the test and save them before it’s too late!

Time’s Running Out! Elizabeth will send you a text message when the full moon is approaching, reminding you that the missing persons’ deadline is drawing near. It’s a great opportunity to explore Tartarus and save any remaining souls, but you can wait if you prefer living life on the edge.

🐱 Don’t Forget the Missing Cats! 🐾

Hold on, folks! The mystery doesn’t stop at missing persons. Persona 3 Reload comes with an exciting addition: missing cats! These furry creatures are always up to some mischief.🐈

Finding missing cats works similarly to missing persons, but with a few key differences. You’ll stumble upon these elusive felines only when inside Tartarus. Elizabeth will give you the heads up about a cat’s presence as soon as you enter the first floor. Meowza!

Now, here’s the twist. New missing cats can appear each time you visit Tartarus. They love to roam around the floors you’ve previously explored. And guess what? You’ll receive three to six precious Twilight Fragments for rescuing a cat. Talk about some serious value!

However, when it comes to choosing between missing persons and missing cats, always prioritize the humans. I mean, who could resist the chance to save lives and unlock new rewards? Cats can wait, right?


🌟 ボーナスティップ: エリザベスによると、行方不明の猫たちはシャドウから実際の危険にはさらされていません。彼らはただタルタロスを出入りするのを楽しんでいるだけです。おそらく彼らは自分たちが壮大な冒険中にいると思っているでしょう。これらの猫たちのために「ミッション:インポッシブル」のテーマ曲を始めます。🎶

探偵帽をかぶって、事件を解決しよう! 🕵️‍♂️

Persona 3 Reloadは確かに私たちをハラハラさせる方法を知っています。行方不明者やいたずらっぽい猫たちがいる中、これはゲームの中のゲームです。これで行方不明者を見つける方法と救出方法を知ったあなたは、自分のスキルを試す時がきました。


🔎🎮🌟 ゲームスタート!

参考リンク:Persona 3 Reload Tartarus Overview GuideThe New Game Makes a Few AdjustmentsIf You Speak to Elizabeth in Tartarus…Persona 3 Reload Starts the Hanged Man Social LinkWhy Persona 4 Remake Needs to Differ from Persona 3 Reload in One Big Way

💬🎉 『Persona 3 Reload』の行方不明者機能に私と同じくらい興奮していますか?もうタルタロスで生命を救っていますか?ご意見や体験を以下のコメントで共有してください!そして、その共有ボタンをクリックして仲間のPersonaファンにこの記事を知らせるのを忘れないでください。勇敢であり続けてください、ゲーマーの皆さん! 😄🎮✨