


Game of Thrones Oxcross Battle Explained

Robb Stark and Theon Greyjoy

In the world of Game of Thrones, tensions run high as the Lannister and Stark families clash. The spark that ignites the flames of war is the imprisonment of Tyrion Lannister, the youngest of Lord Tywin Lannister’s children, by Catelyn Stark. Lord Tywin knows that the longer his son remains in captivity, the weaker their family’s position becomes. And so, the stage is set for the epic Battle of Oxcross and the beginning of the War of the Five Kings.

Prelude To The Battle Of Oxcross

After Catelyn Stark takes Tyrion as her prisoner, the North begins fighting to free itself from the South’s dominance. As conflicts arise, the Riverlands become a battlefield, due to their vulnerable location and lack of natural boundaries. Robb Stark, the true King in the North, leads his troops southward, surprising battle-hardened commanders like Tywin Lannister. Robb’s success in battles such as Whispering Wood and the Battle of the Camps has shattered the belief that he is just a naive child. His capture of Tywin’s beloved son, Jaime, further solidifies his position as a formidable opponent. Tywin is aware that the madness of his grandson Joffrey and his daughter Cersei has fueled the flames of war. He admits to his son Tyrion, “Madness! Madness and stupidity!”

Robb, having achieved three victories, seizes the opportunity to send a peace envoy to King’s Landing. However, he knows that the Lannisters will reject the terms. His demands include the release of his sisters, the return of his father’s remains, and, most importantly, the renouncement of Joffrey’s claim to the North’s dominion. Robb proudly states that the North will remain a free and independent kingdom.

What Is The Battle Of Oxcross?

The aftermath of the Battle Of Oxcross

The Battle of Oxcross, as seen in Game of Thrones season 2, episode 4 “Garden of Bones,” further solidifies Robb’s position as a powerful force. Ser Stafford Lannister commands reinforcements at Oxcross, a village on the border of the Riverlands and the Westerlands. Robb, with his tactical brilliance, scatters the Lannister army once again. The death of Ser Stafford Lannister leaves the battlefield in chaos.

More Of A Route Than A Battle

Robb’s loyal direwolf, Grey Wind, plays a crucial role in the Battle of Oxcross. In a stormy night ambush, Grey Wind silently takes out the guards, causing panic among the Lannisters’ horses and troops. Robb watches proudly as his cavalry charges forward, shouting “The King in the North!” The chaos from the battle leaves the House Stark banners flying high and Robb assessing the situation.

What Does Grey Wind Do At Oxcross?

Split image of Grey Wind and Robb and the Stark cavalry

Grey Wind’s presence is felt throughout the battle as he and Robb’s cavalry rain chaos upon the Lannister camp. The next morning, the sight of Stark banners towering over Oxcross signifies their victory. As Robb takes stock of the situation, Lord Roose Bolton suggests executing or flaying the prisoners of war. However, Robb, being his father’s son, refuses to engage in such brutality. He upholds the honor and principles of the North.



🎮 ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ:冒険に没入しよう!

🙋‍♀️ 読者の質問コーナー

Q: オックスクロスの戦いは、ゲーム・オブ・スローンズの物語全体にどのように貢献していますか?
A: オックスクロスの戦いは、ロブ・スタークを激しい戦略的リーダーとして確立する上で重要です。また、ランニスター家の混乱と無秩序を浮かび上がらせ、将来の対立の舞台を構築しています。

Q: グレイ・ウィンドは将来の戦いでどれだけ活躍するのでしょうか?
A: 絶対に!巨大なディアウルフであるグレイ・ウィンドは、ロブ・スタークの軍事的戦役で重要な役割を果たし続けています。彼の猛烈な忠誠心と将来の戦いの結果に与える影響を目撃するために見続けてください。

Q: ゲーム・オブ・スローンズで楽しみにすべき他の戦いはありますか?
A: ブラックウォーターの戦い、赤い結婚、そしてキャッスル・ブラックの戦いなど、見逃せないアイコニックな戦いがいくつかあります。壮大な衝突と心を打つ瞬間に備えてください!

🌟 友達と狂気を共有しよう!

ゲーム・オブ・スローンズシリーズのファンであるか、戦いや征服の物語に興味を持っている場合は、スリリングなオックスクロスの戦いを見逃さないでください。この記事をソーシャルメディアで友達と共有して、彼らも興奮に参加させましょう! 🐺🦁

