ペルソナ3 リロード:パーティーメンバーのための最高の武器

「プレイヤーは『ペルソナ3リロード』最終ステージに強力な武器が必要です - 各パーティーメンバーの最適な装備はこちらです」


Masakado’s Katana weapon in Persona 3 Reload


🗡️ 8. マサカドの刀

  • 攻撃力: 440
  • 命中率: 92
  • 全ステータス+5、クリティカル命中率増加


場所: マヨイド・アンティークス コスト: 皇帝酒カップ、金の水晶、ルビー

🤖 7. メタトロンイウス

  • 攻撃力: 450
  • 命中率: 93
  • 全ステータス+5、HPコスト軽減


場所: マヨイド・アンティークス コスト: 契約のエンジェルウィング、金の水晶、ダイヤモンド

Evil Gloves weapon in Persona 3 Reload

👊 6. イビルグローブ

  • 攻撃力: 410
  • 命中率: 97
  • 戦闘中全ステータス一時ブースト


場所: マヨイド・アンティークス コスト: マラの首、金の水晶、ルビー

🗡️ 5. 黒石戦刃

  • 攻撃力: 425
  • 命中率: 95
  • 全ステータス+5、魔法攻撃強化


🏹 4. Quintessence Bow

  • Attack: 400
  • Accuracy: 98
  • Powers Up Magic Attacks

For the bow master Yukari, the Quintessence Bow is a game-changer. Despite its lower attack power compared to other ultimate weapons, this bow boasts unparalleled accuracy. Yukari becomes a sniper, picking off enemies with precision and grace. Plus, the bow further amplifies her magic prowess, making her healing spells even more potent. It’s a perfect balance of finesse and magic!

Location: Mayoido Antiques Cost: Bull Warrior Horns, Gold Quartz, and Rubies

🐶 3. Vajra

  • Attack: 410
  • Accuracy: 96
  • All Stats +9 and Extra Evasion

Koromaru, the adorable dog of Persona 3 Reload, deserves the best. And that’s where the Vajra comes in. This weapon not only provides solid battle stats, but it also boosts the stats of other party members. Additionally, it enhances Koromaru’s evasion rate, making him even harder to hit. Because let’s face it, when you’re a dog with a weapon, you have to go the extra mile to protect your companions.

Location: Mayoido Antiques Cost: Carnage King’s Gear, Gold Quartz, and Diamonds

Lucifer’s Blade weapon in Persona 3 Reload

⚔️ 2. Lucifer’s Blade

  • Attack: 425
  • Accuracy: 95
  • All Stats +7 and Powers Up Magic Attacks

With a name like Lucifer’s Blade, you know you’re in for something ominous and powerful. This weapon belongs to the main character, Makoto, and it’s a well-balanced force to be reckoned with. Boasting a good range of stats and a boost to magic attacks, it’s perfect for Makoto, who wields a wide variety of spells. Embrace the dark side and unleash the fury of Lucifer’s Blade. 🌑

Location: Mayoido Antiques Cost: Fallen Angel Wing, Gold Quartz, and Rubies

🎯 1. Pinaka

  • Attack: 440
  • Accuracy: 94
  • +100 HP/SP

Finally, we come to the best weapon in Persona 3 Reload. And it’s not for the main character, no. It’s for Ken, one of the last SEES members joining the party. The Pinaka is a spear with a solid attack and accuracy. But what sets it apart from the rest is its unique ability to boost both HP and SP by a whopping 100 points. That’s right, extra health and extra spell power. It’s a rare find that will make Ken an indispensable member of your team.

Location: Mayoido Antiques Cost: Destroyer’s Drums, Gold Quartz, and Rubies

So there you have it, the top weapons for each of your party members in Persona 3 Reload. Equip your team with these formidable weapons and watch as they conquer every enemy that stands in their way. Remember, a well-armed team is a formidable force!

Additional Questions & Answers

Q: Are there any other weapons worth considering in the game? A: Absolutely! While the weapons mentioned here are some of the best, there are other powerful weapons you can acquire through various means. For example, the Kamudo Sword and the Hades Harp are also excellent choices for certain characters. It’s worth exploring different weapon options to find the perfect fit for your play style.


Q:珍しいアイテムを見つけるにはどこに行けばいいですか? A:面白い質問ですね!ポローニアモールの骨董品店は、珍しいアイテムを取引するための場所です。 Personaのロスターを埋めることを忘れず、多くの中には安全な取引に必要な珍しいアイテムを持っているものがいます。 トレーディング目的に使用できるガーネットなどの多様な宝石も見つかります。 さあ、取引の世界に飛び込んで、それらの貴重なアイテムに隠された秘密を解き明かしましょう。
