『今日のNew York Times Connectionsゲームのヒントと答え!🧩🔍』



NYT Connections Answers and Hints – Feb 24, 2024 Solution #258

It’s a brand new day, which means it’s time to tackle the puzzle wall in the exciting New York Times Connections game! 🎉 Whether you’re looking to maintain your winning streak or just want to solve that one pesky category, fear not, because we’ve got you covered with all the hints and answers you need. 💪

But before we dive into the hints, let’s quickly address something. If you’re here by mistake and need the answers for February 23, click here 📅.

Category Hints 💡

Today’s puzzle has a few potential trip-ups, so let’s provide you with some hints. We’ll go from the easiest category to the hardest, just like the puzzle intended: Yellow, Green, Blue, and then Purple. So, buckle up and get ready to connect those dots! 🔗

Yellow Category – 工業用地点 🏭

Today’s yellow category is all about industrial locations! Think factories, mills, plants, and shops. It’s like taking a tour through the heart of manufacturing. So put on your hard hat, and let’s explore this industrial wonderland! 🏗️

Green Category – 簡単な勝利 ✨

The green category today is as straightforward as it seems. It’s an easy win! So get your game face on, and let’s conquer this category with ease. Victory awaits! 🏆

Blue Category – おいしくて気持ち悪いもの 🤢🍽️

In today’s blue category, you’ll encounter some yucky things that are usually attached to delicious things. It’s like finding the not-so-appetizing parts of a fruit you might otherwise enjoy. So brace yourself for some culinary quirks and let’s uncover these hidden connections! 🍎🍌

Purple Category – ボクシングの重さとその他 🥊🏋️

Today’s purple category is all about a violent sport: boxing! Get ready to step into the ring and discover weights in boxing. From feathers to heavies and everything in between, this category will knock your socks off! 👟🥊

And here’s a special tip for you puzzle solvers, it’s time for a Herring Watch 🔍🐟: Don’t be distracted by the bird parts and be wary of plant-related words. Stay focused on the connections that matter!

Feeling ready to crack the code? Then let’s not waste any more time and dive into today’s hints, shall we? Check them out here! 🚀

Today’s Answers! 🎉

Today’s puzzle might be on the easier side, but hey, even the easy ones have their tricks! So if you’re itching to unveil the answers, look no further! We’ve got them right here for you. 😉

Just click here to reveal today’s answers and claim that victory!

Enough suspense already? Here they are:

Yellow Category: Manufacturing Locations 🔧 – Factory – Mill – Plant – Shop

Green Category: Win + Letter 🏅💌 – Wind – Wine – Wing – Wink

Blue Category: Parts of a Fruit You Might Not Eat 🍏🍋 – Core – Rind – Seed – Stem

Purple Category: Weights in Boxing 🥊⚖️ – Feather – Heavy – Light – Middle

Now that you have all the answers in your arsenal, go ahead and conquer the puzzle wall! You’ve got this! 💪🔥

Remember, have fun while playing Connections and test your brainpower with these intriguing puzzles. If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to share it on social media and challenge your friends to beat your high score! Let the connections begin! 🌐💡



1. パズル解決スキルを向上させる方法 パズルはトリッキーなものですが、適切なアプローチでパズル解決スキルを向上させることができます。こちらのリンクをチェックして、パズル解決のプロになるためのヒントやトリックを発見しましょう!

2. Connectionsのような他のゲームはありますか? Connectionsと同様の脳トレゲームがもっと欲しいときは心配しないでください!あなたを何時間も楽しませる魅力的なパズルゲームのリストをご用意しています。このリンクでパズルの世界に飛び込もう!

3. Connectionsが認知能力を高める方法 Connectionsのようなパズルゲームをすることで、認知能力が向上することを知っていましたか?パズル解決の認知的恩恵と、それがどのように脳力を向上させるかについてもっと学びたい方は、こちらをクリックしてください!

参考文献: 1. Examplelink1 2. Examplelink2 3. Examplelink3 4. Examplelink4 5. Examplelink5