


Understanding Theurgy in Persona 3 Reload

🔥 Theurgy, the ultimate power-up in Persona 3 Reload, brings a whole new level of excitement and strategy to the game. By harnessing this incredible ability, your characters can unleash devastating attacks and unleash the flow of combat. But how exactly does Theurgy work? What can it do? And how can you activate it? Fear not, fellow gamers, for we are here to guide you through the mystique of Theurgy and unlock its true potential! 🔥

🎮 How to Activate Theurgy

🌟 First things first, you’ll notice the Theurgy Gauge that appears next to each character’s portrait while in Tartarus. As the gauge fills up, the colors shift from blue to green, yellow, orange, and finally red. Once it’s at max capacity, it’ll extend beyond the edge of the screen, and the word “MAX” will triumphantly take its place. When it’s the character’s turn, simply press the Theurgy button to activate their special ability.

⚠️ However, be careful not to hoard your Theurgy too much during tough battles. If a character faints, their Theurgy Gauge will partially empty. Status ailments also prevent gauge filling and Theurgy usage. And to add a bit of daily challenge, the Theurgy Gauge resets each day.

🔑 Each character has their unique way of filling their Theurgy Gauge, which you can discover by checking their Theurgy status screen. From swapping Personas and using specific skills to healing allies and getting critical hits, each action fills the gauge differently. Some characters even fill it slowly but surely when they attack or down enemies. You can also enhance the Ambush ability to fill the Theurgy Gauge with every successful ambush.

💡 Bonus tip: Fuuka’s gauge fills over time, even if you don’t use her abilities! To activate her Theurgy ability, simply press the button indicated on the lower-left corner of the battle screen. And the best part? Fuuka’s Theurgy won’t use up the current character’s turn. How’s that for efficiency?

✨ What Theurgy Can Do

😱 Once your characters have unlocked their Theurgy abilities, get ready to witness some truly awe-inspiring feats. Each party member has at least one Theurgy ability, mostly powerful attack moves that favor the character’s damage type. For instance, Yukari deals Wind damage, Junpei strikes with Slash damage, and so on. But the real kicker is that Theurgy attacks deal full damage, regardless of the target’s normal resistances. It’s like a super-charged punch that cannot be stopped!

⚔️ However, if an enemy happens to have a weakness to a specific damage type, you can bet that Theurgy attack will exploit it to the fullest. So, even enemies that usually drain or reflect Ice damage will feel the wrath of Mitsuru’s Blizzard Edge. It’s like tossing a snowball into the face of a fire-breathing dragon! 🐉

🎭 The protagonist’s Theurgy works a bit differently, using Fusion Spells based on the recorded Personas in the Compendium. If you’ve been a fusion-happy player, get ready to expand your arsenal with powerful spells like Cadenza and Jack Brothers. And the best part? In a New Game Plus run, you’ll unlock access to all of the protagonist’s Fusion Spells right from the start. Time to flex your Persona fusion skills!

📜 Still curious about the options at your disposal? Here’s a rundown of every character’s Theurgy abilities:

Character Theurgy Name Effect Date Unlocked
Yukari Takeba Cyclone Arrow Severe Wind damage to one foe Start
Tranquility Applies Concentrate to all allies 11/5
Junpei Iori Hack ’n Blast Severe Slash damage to one foe Start
Blaze of Life Massive Fire damage to one foe, restores Junpei’s HP to full 11/28
Akihiko Sanada Lightning Spike Heavy Electric damage to all foes Start
Electric Onslaught Severe Electric damage to one foe, high Shock chance 10/5
Mitsuru Kirijo Blizzard Edge Severe Ice damage to one foe Start
Blade of Execution Massive Almighty damage to one foe, plus all debuffs 11/18
Fuuka Yamagishi Oracle Restores full HP or applies all buffs to all allies Start
Revelation Restores full HP/SP, applies all buffs, or activates Charge/Concentrate combo 10/20
Aigis Orgia Mode Heavy Pierce damage to all foes, grants 3 turns of extra power but orders 1 turn skipped due to overheating Start
Maximum Firepower Severe Pierce damage to one foe 12/30
Koromaru Hound of Hades Severe Dark damage to one foe Start
Power Howling Applies Charge to all allies Start
Ken Amada Divine Retribution Severe Light damage to one foe Start
Divine Intervention Revives all allies with full HP, grants attack reflection 10/6
Shinjiro Aragaki Bleeding Fury Severe Strike damage to one foe Start



Fusion Spell Effect Personas Needed
Cadenza 全味方に50%のHPを回復し、俊敏バフを付与 Apsaras、Orpheus
Jack Brothers 全ての敵に中アルマイト攻撃、高めのダウン確率 Jack-o’-Lantern、Jack Frost
King and I 全ての敵に大氷結ダメージ、中 Freeze 確率 Black Frost、King Frost
Scarlet Havoc 全ての敵に重斬撃ダメージ Mithras、Siegfried
Best Friends 1人の味方にチャージ/コンセントレートコンボを発動 Decarabia、Forneus
Trickster 全ての敵に巨大なアルマイトダメージ、高めの状態異常確率 Loki、Susano-o
Armageddon 全ての敵に究極のアルマイトダメージ、HPとSPが1に減少 Helel、Lucifer

🔥これらの信じられないほどの能力を持って、あなたのパーティは立ち向かうべき敵なしの力となります。ですので、前に進んで『P3 Reload』の神秘を受け入れ、敵にPersona 3 Reloadの真の力を見せつけましょう!💪

🔗 参考リンク: 1. Life on GameTopia: How to Activate Theurgy 2. LoongGame.com: One Contested Persona 5 Royal Boss Battle 3. GameTopicores: It’s Time to Switch 2

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