スターフィールド:上海タワースノーグローブの見つけ方 In this guide, we will show you how to find the elusive Shanghai Tower Snow Globe in Starfield. This rare collectible is a must-have for any dedicated explorer in the game. So, grab your spacesuit and let’s begin the hunt! Step 1 Gear Up Before embarking on this adventure, make sure you have all the necessary equipment. You’ll need a jetpack, a sturdy pair of boots, and a keen sense of direction. Trust us, you’ll be thankful for these items later. Step 2 Fly Like a Bird Once you’re properly equipped, head to the nearest launch pad and take to the skies. Use your jetpack to soar above the cityscape, scouting for any signs of the Shanghai Tower Snow Globe. Remember, it’s not going to be easy to spot, so keep your eyes peeled! Step 3 Follow the Clues Legend has it that the Snow Globe is hidden in a secret location, known only to those who can decipher the clues. Look for any mysterious symbols or riddles that might lead you closer to your goal. Don’t worry, we won’t give away all the answers. Half the fun is in the discovery! Step 4 Reach for the Sky As you explore the vast reaches of Starfield, keep an eye out for tall buildings and landmarks. The Shanghai Tower is one of the tallest structures in the game, so it’s a good bet that the Snow Globe is somewhere up there. Channel your inner Spider-Man and climb your way to the top! Step 5 The Final Stretch Congratulations! You’ve made it to the Shanghai Tower. Now, the only thing left to do is find the Snow Globe. Search every nook and cranny, turn over every stone, and don’t give up until you’ve found it. Trust us, the feeling of triumph will be worth all the effort. And there you have it, fellow explorers. Our guide on how to find the Shanghai Tower Snow Globe in Starfield. We hope you found it helpful and that it leads you to many more exciting adventures in the game. Happy hunting!

Starfield How to Find the Shanghai Tower Snow Globe In this guide, we'll show you how to find the elusive Shanghai Tower Snow Globe in Starfield. Grab your gear and get ready for an adventure! Step 1 Gear Up Make sure you have a jetpack, boots, and a sense of direction. Step 2 Fly Like a Bird Use your jetpack to scout the cityscape for the Snow Globe. Step 3 Follow the Clues Decipher the clues and look for mysterious symbols. Step 4 Reach for the Sky Climb tall buildings and landmarks, like the Shanghai Tower. Step 5 The Final Stretch Search every nook and cranny until you find the Snow Globe. That's it! We hope this guide helps you on your exciting Starfield adventures. Happy hunting!


  • 上海スターフィールドランドマークの入手方法
  • 上海のスノーグローブ


関連記事: Starfield:マーズ・オポチュニティ・ローバー・スノーグローブの見つけ方



上海のランドマークをアンロックするための必要な本を見つける前に、‘First Contact’クエストをトリガーするためにPorrima Systemに重力ジャンプする必要があります。 ‘First Contact’はかなり広範で楽しいサイドクエストですが、このガイドの意図に合わせるために、到着時に軌道上で見ることができる大きな船に連絡を取ろうとするだけです。




