スプラトゥーン3:サイドオーダー – 注文レプリカ武器の入手方法



Splatoon 3 Side Order Obtaining Replica Weapons

In the treacherous world of Splatoon 3: Side Order, players will encounter the mighty Spire of Order, a tower that tests even the most skilled inklings. Climbing this tower is no easy task, but with the help of Order weapons, players can reach new heights. But wait, there’s more! Did you know you can bring these epic weapons into multiplayer matches too? Thanks to Splatoon 3’s Order Replica weapons, you can unleash their power on other players as well. Exciting, isn’t it? Let’s dive in and find out how to obtain these amazing replicas.

Unlocking the Order Replica Weapons

To get your hands on an Order Replica weapon, you must prove your worth by clearing all 30 Floors of Splatoon 3’s Side Order DLC using the associated Order weapon. Let’s break it down for you: if you manage to conquer the Spire of Order with the Order Dualies (a.k.a. Pearl’s Palette), you’ll unlock the Order Dualies Replica. Simple, right?

Once you’ve accomplished this feat, don’t forget to claim your hard-earned weapon from the lobby terminal. You wouldn’t want to miss out on the chance to wield its power!

Unlocking the Order Weapons

But hold your squids! Before you can even think about going for the Order Replica weapons, you need to unlock the Order weapons themselves. To do this, you’ll need to obtain keys and open the lockers located just outside the Spire of Order. Trust me, you won’t be able to resist the temptation once you see those shiny lockers calling your name.

To earn these keys, you’ll need to clear Floors 10, 20, and 30 with the DLC’s various Palettes. This incentivizes players to experiment with different weapons while embarking on new runs. Who knows, you might discover a new favorite weapon along the way!

splatoon 3 side order replica weapons

Order Replica Weapons vs Main Weapons

Now, let’s talk about what makes Order Replica weapons special. They may look slick and fancy, but underneath that flashy exterior, they’re essentially re-skinned versions of the standard Splatoon 3 main weapons. For example, the Order Roller Replica shares the same stats, sub weapon, and special weapon as the trusty Splat Roller, while the Order Dualies Replica mirrors the abilities of the powerful Splat Dualies. So, if you’re only in it for the looks or need a new goal to work towards, then unlocking Order Replica weapons is definitely for you!

The Tower’s Trials and Triumphs

While we’ve covered the basics of obtaining Order Replica weapons, let’s not overlook the challenges that lie ahead. Scaling the Spire of Order can be brutal, especially for those who are new to the DLC. Fear not, my inkling friends, for as you progress and use Prlz in Splatoon 3: Side Order to make permanent upgrades, conquering the tower will become easier. Soon enough, you’ll be clearing the tower with ease, earning Order Replica weapons left and right, and leaving your opponents in awe of your splatting skills.

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of how to obtain Order Replica weapons, it’s time to embark on your Splatoon 3 adventure. So, grab your ink tank, gear up, and prepare to conquer the Spire of Order!

Q&A – Your Burning Questions Answered!

Q: Can I use Order Replica weapons in multiplayer matches?

A: Absolutely! Once you’ve unlocked an Order Replica weapon, you can equip it from the lobby terminal and unleash its power on other inklings in your multiplayer battles. Get ready to splat!

Q: Are Order Replica weapons stronger than the standard main weapons?

A: Not exactly. While Order Replica weapons have the same stats, sub weapon, and special weapon as their main weapon counterparts, their strength lies in their stunning aesthetic and the satisfaction of unlocking them. It’s all about style, my friend!







A:もちろん!自分の努力で手に入れた武器を友達や仲間のインクリングに自慢してください。世界にあなたのスプラッティングの技能を驚かせましょう!他のプレイヤーとつながり、あなたの勝利を共有するためにハッシュタグ #Splatoon3SideOrder を使用するのを忘れないでください。

Remember, Stay Fresh and Keep Splatting!