


Palworld developers apologized for accidentally removing a bug that players were enjoying in the survival game.

The developers of the highly anticipated game Palworld, Pocketpair, find themselves in a rather precarious position. In their latest patch, they unintentionally fixed a bug that players were actually having a blast with. Talk about a bug fix gone wrong!

The Unintended Bug Fix

Palworld’s latest update brought with it a range of quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes. However, amidst all the planned changes, one fix wasn’t quite on the agenda. Pocketpair took to Twitter to express their apologies, stating, “As a result of various bugs that we fixed in the most recent patch, a bug that allowed players to capture the tower boss was unintentionally fixed. We apologize for inadvertently fixing a bug.”

The Tower Boss Bug

What exactly was this bug that had players so captivated? Well, it enabled players to add the game’s tower bosses to their roster. And not just as regular companions, mind you, but as two-in-one trainer-Pal combos that behave exactly as they do in the tower fights. It was undoubtedly a bit tricky to pull off, but players managed to kidnap tower bosses and have been enjoying this unique feature for several weeks.


Intentional Fun?

From Pocketpair’s statement, it seems like the developers themselves were in on the fun. If this bug was “unintentionally fixed,” then it must have been intentionally left in the game for players to enjoy. The question now is whether Pocketpair will bring back the ability to capture tower bosses, either as a still-fiddly bug or a more straightforward feature. The community is certainly hoping for a return of the bug-turned-feature, as evidenced by the flood of requests on the official Discord server’s “Ideas and Wishes” channel and the bustling subreddit dedicated to Palworld.


The Pivotal Tower Bosses

Tower bosses play a crucial role in certain Pal breeding strategies, making their capturability even more desirable for some players. The logistics behind breeding Pal eggs may be a head-scratcher, but hey, let’s not dwell on that. After all, in this fantastical world, Pal eggs simply materialize out of thin air. 🥚✨🤷‍♀️


Q: バグはどのように機能し、プレイヤーがそれを楽しいと感じる理由は何ですか? A: バグにより、プレイヤーはタワーボスを捕獲し、一意のトレーナー-Palコンボに変えることができました。これはゲームに新しい興奮をもたらし、プレイヤーに異なる戦略を試して強力なチームを作成する機会を与えました。

Q: Pocketpairはバグを意図的な機能として復元する予定ですか? A: これに関して具体的な情報はまだありませんが、DiscordやRedditでの圧倒的なプレイヤーのリクエストから判断すると、Pocketpairは将来、バグを機能に変えることを検討するかもしれません。期待して待ちましょう!

Q: タワーボスはPalの繁殖戦略に不可欠ですか? A: はい、タワーボスは特定のPalの繁殖戦略で重要な役割を果たします。したがって、プレイヤーが繁殖活動を最適化しようとする際に、その捕獲性は非常に望ましいものとなります。

Q: Palworldから期待できる他の興奮のある更新情報は何ですか? A: 具体的な詳細はまだ明らかになっていませんが、Pocketpairは引き続きプレイヤーのフィードバックを聞き、全体的なゲーム体験を向上させる取り組みを進めています。さらなるスリリングな更新情報にご期待ください!



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  2. Palworld Twitter
  3. Palworld公式Discordサーバー
  4. Reddit – r/Palworld
  5. Palworld Tycoon: 億万長者のハチの農場から1000万ゴールド



