
「もし彼の作品に詳しいのであれば、林ゆきは必ず言及すべき価値があります特に彼のヒット曲『You Say Run』は見逃せません」



My Hero Academia

物語における音楽の強力な影響力について語る際、僕のヒーローアカデミアからの象徴的な楽曲「You Say Run」に匹敵する例はほとんどありません。この楽曲は、ミームとしての人気を博すと同時に、その作曲家、林ゆうきの信じられない才能と多才さを見事に示しています。



日向と影山 コート上



「You Say Run」は本当にどんなシチュエーションでも合います

ハイキュー!! シーズンフィナーレ

楽曲「You Say Run」は、様々なストーリーやシチュエーションに適応できることで有名で、そのためミームとしても称賛されています。この壮大でエネルギッシュな楽曲は、林氏のサウンドの多様な要素を包括し、素晴らしい展開とペース配分を特徴としています。これにより、彼の視聴者に深く響く劇的な瞬間を創造する能力が示されています。



僕のヒーローアカデミア 1年A組 UAハイスクール

林氏の才能は、彼の象徴的でエネルギッシュな楽曲を超えて広がっています。彼は、よりゆっくりとした、より暗く、より幽玄なサウンドトラックを作り出す驚異的な才能を示しています。楽曲「All for my sake」や「Symbol of Fear」のようなトラックは、恐怖を表現する冷酷な管弦楽、ロック要素、合唱の伴奏と共に、悪の本質を捉えています。



楽曲「平和の休息ヒーロー」は、簡素なピアノのメロディと「ここにいる」という楽曲からのオールマイトのシグネチャーチューンを組み合わせ、ノスタルジアを呼び起こします。一方、第六シーズンの「Dabi Dance」は、エンデヴァーのかつての英雄的なモチーフを何か異様で不気味なものに変えており、苦悩と痛みを没入感ある画期的な方法で表現しています。シリーズの傑出した楽曲の一つであり、林氏が哀愁漂う楽曲を作り出す能力を見事に示しています。


No other song exemplifies Hayashi’s talent more than “Might+U” from My Hero Academia’s second feature film. This powerful track, with vocals by Makayla Philips, plays exclusively during the film’s final fight scene between Deku and Bakugo. It creates an unforgettable climax that alone justifies the price of admission.

The Final Word on Hayashi (For Now)

My Hero Academia

Yuki Hayashi, much like other prominent anime composers such as Hiroyuki Sawano, has crafted a sound that is instantly recognizable. While his compositions may share similarities in appealing to the audience’s heart, they possess a versatility that lends a distinct identity to their respective projects. Hayashi’s willingness to experiment and step outside the boundaries of traditional compositions consistently produces captivating and memorable soundtracks.

Unlike past artist spotlights that cover an artist’s entire career, it’s hard to overlook the impact of My Hero Academia when discussing Hayashi’s work. The series serves as a testament to his greatness as a composer, as it perfectly captures the themes of heroism through his earnest melodies. To fully experience the depth and emotion of his music, watch My Hero Academia streaming on Crunchyroll.

Reference links:Crunchyroll: My Hero AcademiaHiroyuki Sawano – WikipediaAnime Composers – A Spotlight on the GreatsExpanding the Musical Horizon in Anime


Q: Why is “You Say Run” from My Hero Academia so popular? A: “You Say Run” gained popularity for its compatibility with a wide range of stories and situations, making it a meme sensation. The track’s exceptional buildup and pacing, coupled with Hayashi’s ability to create climactic moments, struck a chord with viewers.

Q: What other anime shows has Yuki Hayashi composed for? A: Apart from My Hero Academia and Haikyuu, Yuki Hayashi has composed for various other anime shows such as One Piece Film: Gold, Welcome to the Ballroom, and Gundam Build Fighters.

Q: How does Yuki Hayashi’s background in rhythmic gymnastics influence his compositions? A: Hayashi’s experience as a rhythm gymnast instilled within him an appreciation for music and its ability to enhance performances. This background allows him to craft emotional and impactful soundtracks that perfectly complement the action on screen.

Q: Is Yuki Hayashi known for experimenting with different genres in his compositions? A: Yes, Hayashi’s compositions often explore various genres, including techno, under the guidance of Hideo Kobayashi. This experimentation allows him to challenge traditional ideas of heroism and create refreshing and captivating soundscapes.

Q: Where can I watch My Hero Academia? A: My Hero Academia is available for streaming on Crunchyroll.

Interact with readers:

What’s your favorite track from My Hero Academia’s soundtrack? Share it with us in the comments below! 🎶🎵

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Note: The images used in this article are from the respective anime series and are for illustrative purposes only. All rights belong to their respective owners.
