
「オピニオン | ゾンビと戦うことが大好きな友達を持つことは良いニュースですが」


10 years later, my beloved co-op game Project Zomboid is still not on sale.

Project Zomboid (Image credit: The Indie Stone)

It’s been a little while since the inception of Steam’s Remote Play Together feature. This nifty addition allows players to invite their friends for a free multiplayer session of any local multiplayer game that supports the feature. It’s a dream come true for gamers, especially those looking for some couch co-op action. This week, Steam is celebrating this beloved feature with yet another Remote Play Together Fest. And there’s one game that has caught my eye: Project Zomboid by The Indie Stone.

Project Zomboid is a co-op survival game that has reached cult status among zombie survival fans. Despite being in early access for over 10 years, it continues to gain popularity due to its incredible depth, detail, and customizable server settings. In fact, it’s already pushing the boundaries of being featured in Steam’s “Next Fest,” considering its long-standing presence. But that’s not why we’re here today.

A Sale Out of Place

If you’ve been browsing through the featured games for both Next Fest and Remote Play Together Fest, you might have noticed something odd about the Project Zomboid page. While other games are offering free demos or hefty discounts, Project Zomboid seems to be stuck at the same price. It certainly stands out like a sore thumb. So, what’s the deal? Why has Project Zomboid not gone on sale in a while? Well, it turns out the developers have strong feelings about discounts.

At the top of the game’s Steam page, you’ll find the Early Access Game header with an expandable FAQ section titled “What the developers have to say.” Towards the bottom of the page, there’s a small section that addresses whether the game will ever be priced differently during and after Early Access. It’s clear that the developers anticipated this question popping up quite frequently.

According to them, “Due to our commitment to making sure early adopters get the cheapest price in appreciation of their early support, PZ will never appear in sales that take it below the original alpha price of £5/$8.” So, it seems that until long after the game exits Early Access, the price will remain unchanged. After that, the game will likely become £5/$8 more expensive. Take it or leave it, I suppose.

Dead Right

So, the logic here is that by keeping the game in its extended development stage, “early” adopters can secure a good price since the game is never on sale. It’s a bit of a convoluted reasoning, but it does kind of make sense. Although, it also feels like an excuse to avoid putting it on sale altogether. Despite this backwards logic, Project Zomboid will always have a special place in my heart. It’s a fantastic game with a vast map to explore, lore to uncover, and skills to master as you face down hordes of zombies.

The Remote Play Together Fest has reminded me of something important – you don’t have to pay the full price if you have a friend. Personally, I don’t have any friends. But if you’re lucky enough to have someone equally enthralled by the idea of shooting zombies, you can split the cost with them. They can easily join your game through the Remote Play Together feature, and you can tackle the zombie apocalypse as a team. Let’s be real here, facing an apocalypse alone is no fun at all.

Half the enjoyment of Project Zomboid comes from sharing the burden of running a safehouse with friends. Sure, it might turn into a chaotic house where everyone’s hoarding weapons on the kitchen table and doing squats in their underwear, but that’s part of the charm. With friends, you’ll have someone cooking dinner for you while you go out fishing. You’ll have someone to come home to, someone to talk to about your harrowing encounters with brainless flesh-eaters. Asking a friend to chip in for the game is an investment in your unzombified future…well, until the moment they attract a horde of zombies to your doorstep while cooking.

In the end, it’s a game of swings and roundabouts.

Q&A Content:

Q: Can I play Project Zomboid alone or is it strictly a multiplayer game?

A: While Project Zomboid is best experienced with friends, it is entirely possible to play it solo. In fact, many players enjoy the challenge and immersion of surviving the zombie apocalypse all by themselves. Just be prepared for a tense and challenging experience!


Q: Project Zomboid が他のゾンビサバイバルゲームとは一線を画す要因は何ですか?

A: Project Zomboid は信じられないほどの深さ、詳細さ、そしてリアリティを誇っています。基地の建設と強化からリソースの収集、キャラクターのニーズの管理まで、このゲームはユニークで没入感のあるサバイバル体験を提供しています。さらに、学び成長するさまざまなスキルも含まれており、各プレイスルーが異なり、満足感を得ることができます。

Q: Project Zomboid はいつか アーリーアクセスを抜けるのでしょうか?

A: はい!開発サイクルが長期化していますが、開発者は Project Zomboid を完全かつ完成したゲームとしてリリースすることを約束しています。リリース日は未定ですが、チームは新機能の追加と全体的な改善に取り組んでいます。安心してください、この愛されるゾンビサバイバルタイトルには光が差しています。

2024年以降の最高のインディーゲームをチェック here。この記事をゾンビ愛好家の仲間と共有し、彼らにサバイバルチームに参加するよう勧めてください。人が多いほど楽しい! 🧟‍♂️🎮

References:SteamのRemote Play TogetherSteam 上の Project ZomboidUpcoming Indie Games
