🚀 隠された宝を発掘する:橋の建設レポート 🚧

「橋建設の探求:適切な指示がなければ時間のかかる困難な作業時間を節約するためのガイドはこちらです」 (Kake kensetsu no tankyuu Tekisetsu na shiji ga nakereba jikan no kakaru konnan na sagyo. Jikan o setsuyaku suru tame no gaido wa kochira desu.)


Enshrouded Searching the Braelyn Bridge Pillars

One of the most sGameTopicificant attributes of Enshrouded is its exploration, which leads players to discover various resources, weapons, and more. The Bridge Construction Report introduces a quest where players embark on a mission to find a hidden treasure. But don’t be fooled, as this quest is trickier than other quests. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to efficiently complete this quest without making common errors.

Arriving at Braelyn Bridge 🏰

braelyn bridge enshrouded

To kickstart this conquest, you must first arrive at Braelyn Bridge. Many players make the mistake of pick-axing the stone rubble on the bridge, but the treasure is actually hidden beneath it, underneath the middle pillar. There are two ways to reach the base of the bridge. The easiest method is to simply glide down from a platform. However, for those who enjoy a scenic route, you can move towards the right side before entering the Shroud through the Bridge’s entrance.

Finding the Hidden Chest Underneath the Bridge 💼

Finally, once you’ve reached the base of the bridge, direct yourself towards the middle pillar. Look for some rubble that you’ll need to pick-axe until you spot the chest. Rest assured, the chest is shiny and easily noticeable due to its gold appearance.

As soon as you’ve found the chest, the quest objective will be marked as complete. Your reward will be either a material or a weapon from the chest, along with a decent amount of XP.

Additional Chests in Braelyn Bridge 🎁

chest enshrouded

While the main objective is to find the “hidden” chest, there are additional chests waiting to be discovered at Braelyn Bridge. Let’s uncover them:

1️⃣ The first additional chest can be found near the central pillar. Look for a wooden beam that contains additional levels underneath it. Get on top of the wooden beam and gaze eastwards. After a few seconds of scouting, you’ll be able to locate the chest on a wooden ledge.

2️⃣ The second chest is located at the end of the bridge. Keep walking until you reach the broken-down section. There, you’ll find climbing gear. Jump on the wooden levels underneath and spot the additional chest on the west side of the lowest level.

💡 Q&A Section 💡

🎮 Q: Are there any special requirements or level restrictions for starting the Bridge Construction Report quest? 🔎 A: No, there are no specific requirements or level restrictions. The quest is available to all players.

🎮 Q: What types of rewards can be found in the hidden chest? 🔎 A: The hidden chest rewards players with either a material or a weapon, along with a decent amount of XP.

🎮 Q: Are the additional chests guaranteed to appear every time at Braelyn Bridge? 🔎 A: Yes, the additional chests mentioned in the guide will be present in their respective locations every time you visit Braelyn Bridge.

🎮 Q: Can I access Braelyn Bridge from any direction? 🔎 A: It’s recommended to approach Braelyn Bridge from the right side before entering the Shroud for a smoother journey.

🎮 Q: Is the Bridge Construction Report quest part of a larger storyline or questline? 🔎 A: The Bridge Construction Report is a standalone quest and doesn’t directly tie into a larger storyline or questline.

📚 Reference List 📚

Here are some additional resources for further information on Enshrouded and related topics:


さあ、隠された宝物を探し出すクエストに挑んで、あなたの冒険をソーシャルメディアで共有しましょう。ハッピーゲーム、冒険者たち! 🎮✨
