
『焼かれたレンガ- シュミテルなどの施設にとって必要不可欠な建築材料『エンシュラウデッド』で入手する方法を発見しよう』


Enshrouded Getting Fired Brick

As you delve deeper into the perilous world of Enshrouded, the need for vital resources becomes increasingly crucial. Among these essential materials, the Fired Brick stands out as an absolute necessity for crafting high-end workstations like Smelters or Alchemist Stations. However, acquiring this valuable material can be quite the challenge since it needs to be crafted.

Fear not, fellow adventurers! This detailed guide aims to provide you with a step-by-step procedure on how to obtain Fired Brick in Enshrouded. Get ready to unleash your inner craftsman and secure your supply of invaluable Fired Bricks!

🏭 How to Get Kiln: The Carpenter’s Awakening

Before you can start crafting Fired Brick, you’ll need to first construct a Kiln. But to do that, you must first awaken the elusive Carpenter from his ancient vault. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Locate the Carpenter’s Vault: Embark on an epic quest to find the Carpenter’s hidden vault. It’s like searching for a needle in a haystack, but once you discover it, your crafting prowess will reach new heights!

    📍 Pro Tip: The location of the Carpenter’s Vault is randomly generated, so put on your exploration hat and venture forth!

  2. Awaken the Carpenter: Interact with the capsule containing the slumbering Carpenter to awaken him from his deep slumber. It’s time to bring this skilled artisan back to your thriving base!

  3. Escort the Carpenter: Safely guide the awakened Carpenter back to your base. Protect him from any dangers lurking in the shadows. After all, he’s the key to unlocking your Kiln-building potential!

  4. Gather the Resources: Once the Carpenter is back at your base, gather the necessary resources to construct the Kiln. Here’s what you’ll need:

    • 50 Stones: Collect Stones directly from the ground or smash larger rocks to obtain these essential building blocks.
    • 10 Lumps of Clay: Revelwood is teeming with abundant clay deposits. Seek them out and claim your share!
    • 10 Metal Scraps: Explore abandoned buildings or hunt down Scavengers to acquire Metal Scraps, another vital ingredient for your Kiln.
    • 2 Twigs: Show those trees who’s boss! Cut them down or trim some bushes to acquire Twigs, the final piece of the Kiln-building puzzle.

🌟 With the above resources in hand, you’re ready to take the next step on your journey to creating Fired Bricks!

🧱 Resources for Fired Brick: Clay and Wood Log

To craft Fired Brick, you’ll need the following resources:

  • One Lump of Clay
  • One Wood Log

Fortunately, both of these items are relatively easy to acquire in Enshrouded. Follow the methods mentioned above to obtain a Lump of Clay and gather Wood Logs by either chopping down trees or scavenging the ground while exploring.

🌳 It’s time to roll up your sleeves and gather the necessary resources. The path to an abundant supply of Fired Bricks awaits!

🔨 How to Craft Fired Brick: The Fiery Transformation

Congratulations! You’ve gathered the required resources, and now it’s time to transform them into glorious Fired Bricks. Follow these simple steps to create your own artisanal bricks in the Kiln:

  1. Head to the Kiln: Locate your perfectly constructed Kiln, a symbol of your craftsmanship aspirations.

  2. Add the Resources: Take your Lump of Clay and Wood Log and place them delicately into the Kiln, creating the perfect alchemy for the transformation that awaits. 🌬️🔥

  3. Embrace the Wait: Patience, young adventurer! Allow the Kiln to work its magic. Sit back, relax, and watch as the Kiln fires up, turning your raw materials into a Fired Brick.

    ⏳ Pro Tip: It takes approximately 30 seconds for the Kiln’s enchantment to complete, so use this time wisely!

  4. Stockpile your Treasure: Now that you have your freshly crafted Fired Brick, be sure to store them safely in a chest. These valuable resources will come in handy for various recipes, and you don’t want to find yourself in a pinch without them!


🔥 そしてまるでそのように、あなたは窯の達人になりました! Fired Bricksの安定した供給を持って、Enshroudedの世界で訪れるどんなクラフトの挑戦でも打ち勝つことができます。

🙋 まだ質問がありますか?私たちがサポートします!


❓ Q: Fired Bricks以外のものを作るために窯を使用できますか?

A:絶対に!窯の機能はFired Bricksの製作を超えています。Pottery、Glassware、または基地用の装飾用ブリックなど、他の貴重なアイテムの作成に使用できます。可能性は無限です!

❓ Q:Fired Bricksが必要な高度な窯のレシピはありますか?

A:実際にあります! Fired Bricksは、SmeltersやAlchemist Stationsなどの高度な作業場所の建設に必要な基本的な材料として機能します。したがって、将来のクラフト作業のために十分なFired Bricksを備蓄することをお忘れなく。

❓ Q:窯の効率を上げる方法はありますか?


🌟 おめでとうございます!Fired Bricksの入手の秘密を解き明かし、Enshroudedの偉大の道を踏み出しました。このガイドを仲間の冒険家と共有し、新たな知識の栄光に浸ることができます。一緒に、この危険な世界が私たちに投げかけるすべてのクラフトの挑戦を克服しましょう! 💪🔥

📚 参考文献リスト:

  1. Enshrouded – Complete Carpenter’s Vault
  2. Enshroudedでの陶器の製作方法
  3. スメルティングの力を解き放て:Enshrouded Smelterガイド
  4. アルケミーの技を習得せよ:Enshrouded Alchemist Stationガイド
  5. Enshroudedリソース収集のヒントとトリック

🔥🌳 一緒に参加しましょう、仲間の冒険家!Fired Bricksを成功製作しましたか?シェアする他のヒントはありますか?以下のコメントでお知らせください!そして、この記事をソーシャルメディアで友達と共有して知識を広めましょう。一緒に、Enshroudedの領域を制覇しましょう! 🤝🌍

