


An Elden Ring fan vowed to sell their bone marrow if a DLC trailer didn’t release this month, and now they have to follow through.

One devoted fan of Elden Ring, the highly anticipated action RPG, went to extreme lengths to demonstrate their confidence in the game’s upcoming DLC release. In a bold move, this passionate fan pledged to “sell” their bone marrow if the Elden Ring DLC wasn’t revealed before the end of February. Well, they can now breathe a sigh of relief, as a new Shadow of the Erdtree trailer dropped on February 21, fulfilling their wager and proving their faith in the game.


This enthusiastic fan took to the Elden Ring subreddit to proudly declare their victory in the daring bet. The subreddit post became a platform for the fan to celebrate, commenting, “I won.” Other members of the community chimed in with both amusement and support, suggesting that they could still donate their bone marrow if they desired. It seemed that while the bet was made in jest, the fan recognized the potential impact they could have on someone’s life through bone marrow donation.

🧠💪 Helping someone with leukemia and ‘going hollow’ may not be so different after all… 💪🧠

Despite the fan’s initial reservations due to the painful process involved in bone marrow donation, they contemplated following through with it to help their community. Ultimately, they left it up to chance, which led to their humorous pledge. However, a fellow subreddit user shared their positive experience with bone marrow donation, encouraging the fan to consider it seriously: “The bone marrow was fine… I’d still suggest donating bone marrow if you could. It could help someone in need.”

Questions & Answers:

Q: When will the Elden Ring DLC be released?

📆 The exact release date for the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC has not been officially announced. However, a reputable internet leaker suggests that the launch is planned for June 21. Exciting times are ahead for Elden Ring fans!

Q: Why is the wait for the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC both a blessing and a curse?

⏳ Waiting for the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC can be a mixture of emotions for fans. On one hand, the anticipation builds excitement and propels discussions within the community. On the other hand, the wait can be excruciating, fueled by the eagerness to explore new content in an already captivating game. Check out this article for more insights on the blessing and curse of the excruciating wait!

👉 The Excruciating Wait: Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC – A Blessing and a Curse

Q: Is there any leaked information about the Elden Ring DLC release date?

🔍 According to a leaked source, the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC is rumored to be launching on June 21. While leaks should always be taken with a grain of salt, this information adds to the excitement surrounding the upcoming release.

For more details about the leaked release date, you can click here.

In conclusion, the Elden Ring community experienced a joyous moment when the highly anticipated Shadow of the Erdtree DLC trailer was released. The devoted fan who had laid their bone marrow on the line celebrated their triumphant wager. Even though the bet was made in jest, it raised awareness about the potential impact of bone marrow donation on those in need. As fans eagerly await the release of the DLC, the thrilling journey of Elden Ring continues.

🎮 Share your excitement about the Elden Ring DLC release with your friends and fellow gamers on social media! 🎮
