

Endless Ocean Luminous Dives to Nintendo Switch in May

Are you ready to embark on an underwater adventure like no other? Get your scuba gear ready, because Endless Ocean: Luminous is making a splash! The long-awaited sequel to 2010’s Endless Ocean: Blue World was revealed in today’s Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase, and it promises to be a deep-sea exploration like no other.

🐠 Discover the Mysteries of the Veiled Sea

In a captivating three-minute trailer, Endless Ocean: Luminous introduces players to the awe-inspiring Veiled Sea. This underwater realm is no ordinary ocean; it constantly changes with every dive, offering an unparalleled sense of discovery. And the best part? You don’t have to explore alone! With online play, up to 30 players can delve into the depths together, sharing their progress and encounters.

🐬 Encounter Over 500 Unique Underwater Species

While the Veiled Sea is indeed a sight to behold, it’s the vast array of underwater species that truly steals the show. Endless Ocean: Luminous boasts over 500 different creatures waiting to be discovered. From the enchanting Tomato Clownfish to the fascinating Long-Spine Porcupinefish, and even some creatures thought to be extinct, each dive holds the potential for extraordinary encounters. Prepare to be mesmerized by the beauty and wonder of these marvelous underwater inhabitants.

🦖 The Legend of the Mosasaurus

Speaking of legendary creatures, the trailer gives us a glimpse of one of the most captivating inhabitants of the Veiled Sea: the Mosasaurus. This prehistoric marine reptile, believed to have gone extinct millions of years ago, has somehow found its way into the depths. Now, it’s up to you to uncover the secrets of this ancient creature and witness its majestic presence firsthand. The Mosasaurus is just one example of the incredible surprises that await you in Endless Ocean: Luminous.

🌊 A Dive into the Endless Ocean Franchise

Fans of the Endless Ocean series will be thrilled to know that Luminous is the third installment in this beloved franchise. The series made its debut back in 2007 with the original Endless Ocean for the Wii, followed by Blue World in 2010. Its unique blend of deep-sea exploration, stunning visuals, and immersive gameplay captivated players around the world. Notably, Arika, the developer behind Luminous, is no stranger to underwater adventures, having previously released Everblue and Everblue 2 on the PlayStation 2.

🎮 Release Date and Exclusive Platform

Mark your calendars, folks, because Endless Ocean: Luminous will be hitting the shores on May 2, exclusively on the Nintendo Switch. Get ready to plunge into the depths and embark on a mesmerizing underwater journey like no other. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the series or a newcomer to the world of aquatic exploration, Luminous promises to deliver an unforgettable experience that will leave you awestruck.

That’s all for now! Keep your eyes peeled for more exciting updates on Endless Ocean: Luminous. Remember to share this article with your fellow gaming enthusiasts and let’s make some splash on social media! 🌊🐠🎮

🤔 Q&A: More About Endless Ocean: Luminous

Q: Endless Ocean: Luminousは単独でプレイできますか、それともマルチプレイヤーのみですか?

A: Endless Ocean: Luminousはソロプレイとマルチプレイヤーの両方に対応しています。オンラインプレイでは、最大30人のプレイヤーと一緒にヴェールドシーを探検することができますが、もし静かなダイビングを好むなら、独りで海の冒険に出ることもできます。選択はあなた次第です!

Q: マルチプレイヤーでプレイ中、進行状況は保存されますか?

A: はい! Endless Ocean: Luminousは、グループを組んだプレイヤー間で進行状況が共有されるように設計されています。ですので、友達と一緒にダイビングを楽しんだり、オンラインワールドで新しい仲間と出会ったりしていても、あなたの努力の成果や発見は保護されます。


Q: Endless Ocean: Luminous(エンドレスオーシャン:ルミナス)に似た他の水中ゲームはありますか?

A: もし水中の冒険を求めているなら、ラッキーです!エンドレスオーシャンシリーズにはさらに 2 つのタイトルがあります。Wii向けのオリジナル『エンドレスオーシャン』とその続編である『ブルーワールド』です。さらに、水中の探検を求めるなら、ABZÛやSubnauticaなどのゲームがオーシャンの深部で魅力的な体験を提供しています。

Q: Endless Ocean: Luminous(エンドレスオーシャン:ルミナス)に追加コンテンツやDLCは期待できますか?

A: 現時点では、Endless Ocean: Luminous用のDLCに関する具体的な情報は公開されていませんが、ゲームがアップデートやダウンロード可能な拡張を通じてコンテンツを拡大するのは珍しくありません。開発者からの発表に注目し、将来の水中冒険にどんなサプライズが用意されているかを確認してください。


  1. Nintendo Direct パートナーショーケースへのオリジナルリンク
  2. Endless Ocean: Luminous トレーラー
  3. Endless Ocean: Blue World
  4. ABZÛ ゲーム
  5. Subnautica ゲーム

