


Shell envy.

Soulslike ゲーム have taken the gaming world by storm, with titles like the Dark Souls series and Elden Ring setting the bar for the genre. However, indie developer Aggro Crab is about to take the concept of Soulslike to a whole new level with their upcoming game, Another Crab’s Treasure. Prepare to embark on an underwater adventure unlike any other, as you take on the role of Kril, a hermit crab determined to reclaim his most prized possession – his shell!

🦀 Another Crab’s Treasure: A Unique Soulslike Adventure 🌊

In Another Crab’s Treasure, you’ll navigate the depths of the ocean as Kril, a hermit crab searching for his lost shell. But this is no ordinary shell – it’s a treasure that holds deep sentimental value to our crabby protagonist. Along the way, players will encounter a variety of unique and fashionable shells to aid them in their journey. These shells not only serve as stylish accessories, but they also grant Kril special abilities that will enhance your gameplay experience.

🐚 Every Shell Revealed So Far 💥

While Another Crab’s Treasure boasts over 50 shells to discover, only six have been unveiled thus far. However, these six shells offer a glimpse into the creativity and quirkiness you can expect from the game. Each shell provides Kril with a distinct “Shell Spell,” allowing him to withstand attacks from enemies many times his size. Let’s take a closer look at these fascinating shells:

1. Normal Shell 🐚

Kril’s default shell is a typical seashell, the one he lost and must now retrieve. Although it may seem ordinary, don’t underestimate its potential – it may surprise you with its hidden powers.

2. Soda Can Shell 🥤

The Soda Can shell embraces the game’s themes of pollution and the notion that one crab’s trash can be another’s treasure. 🗑️ While a soda can might not seem sturdy, Kril’s Soda Can shell proves otherwise. It grants him the “Depressurize” Shell Spell, ensuring he can hold his own against formidable foes.

3. Coffee Mug Shell ☕

Kril’s coffee mug shell offers more durability than the Soda Can shell, making it an ideal choice for intense battles. Imagine a humble hermit crab wielding the power of the “Morning Buzz” Shell Spell – it’s bound to deliver a caffeinated punch!

4. Party Hat Shell 🎉

Decked out in colorful stars, Kril’s Party Hat shell adds a whimsical touch to his appearance. While it may not serve as heavy-duty protection, it invites Kril into the realm of fun and celebration with the “Party Time” Shell Spell.

5. Tin Can Shell 🥫

The Tin Can shell shares lineage with the Soda Can shell, but it promises to be sturdier and more resilient. With the “Shellshock” Shell Spell, Kril can channel the power of the metal can to defeat adversaries. And if things get tough, players can always switch to Another Crab’s Treasure’s hilarious easy mode. 😄

6. Water Valve Shell 🚰

Amongst all the unique shells, the water valve shell stands out as one of the strongest. Crafted from robust materials like brass or cast iron, it offers superior defensive bonuses. It’s a testament to Another Crab’s Treasure’s unashamed silliness and attention to detail. 💪

🎮 Customization and Fashion Souls in Another Crab’s Treasure 👒

While gameplay variety between shells is yet to be fully revealed, there’s no denying that the concept of “fashion souls” remains a fan-favorite feature of Soulslike games. Swapping out shells in Another Crab’s Treasure allows players to not only enhance their abilities but also change the aesthetics, creating a truly personalized gaming experience. It’s a chance to express your inner crab fashionista and make Kril a true style icon of the ocean! 🦀💃

📆 Release Date and Platforms 🕹️

Mark your calendars for April 25, 2024, as Another Crab’s Treasure will be available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Steam, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One. Get ready to dive into the deep sea and join Kril on his epic quest to reclaim his treasure!


➡️ より多くのゲームニュースや最新情報については、以下のリンクをチェックしてみてください:

  1. Undersea Soulslike Another Crab’s Treasure Gets Release Date
  2. Elden Ring 公式ウェブサイト
  3. Steam での Dark Souls Remastered
  4. Nintendo Switch 公式ウェブサイト
  5. PlayStation 5 公式ウェブサイト
  6. Xbox 公式ウェブサイト

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