


Palworld Top Second Base Locations


Palworld, the popular open-world game that combines elements from beloved titles like Pokemon, has taken the gaming world by storm. With its captivating gameplay and the ability to capture and explore with your Pals, it’s no wonder why players are hooked.

One of the key features of Palworld is the ability to build bases. These bases serve as locations where players can construct structures, gather resources, and house their Pals. And here’s the exciting news: you can have more than just one base! So, let’s dive into the world of Palworld and discover the ideal locations for your second base after you’ve become more familiar with the game.

The First Base: Building Your Pal Box


When you start your Palworld adventure, one of the first things you’ll do is build your Pal Box. This creates the foundation for your base. Now, if you’re a beginner, you might not put too much thought into where you build your first base. That’s okay! Many players choose lackluster areas during their initial playthrough.

But here’s a pro tip: instead of going through the hassle of moving your first base to a different location, consider waiting until you unlock your second base. Building your dream base in an area with maximum potential will be worth the wait.

When Will You Unlock a Second Base?


To unlock the option to build a second base in Palworld, all you need to do is reach level 10 for your first base. By following the criteria provided in the game, leveling up won’t take long, especially if you focus on it. And here’s another exciting tidbit: after you build your second base, you can unlock one more base! So, choose your locations wisely to make the most of your resources.

Why Build a Second Base?


Bases in Palworld serve multiple purposes and are vital for your gameplay. Let’s take a closer look at why building a second base is a game-changer:

  1. Resource Harvesting: A base allows you to passively harvest resources from the environment, saving you from spending all your time chopping wood or mining stones. With a well-organized base, you can easily obtain any resource you need.

  2. Fast Travel: Bases serve as fast travel points in Palworld, providing convenience and efficiency. Instead of trekking long distances, you can quickly teleport to your bases, reducing travel time and making areas more accessible.

  3. Pal Storage and Recovery: Bases are essential for storing your captured Pals and helping them recover. When you capture Pals, you’ll need a base to keep them and ensure their well-being.

To put it simply—more bases mean more perks for you as a player. However, keep in mind that bases need protection from raiders. Be prepared with powerful Pals and choose a strategic location that’s easier to defend.

What to Consider Before Building Your Second Base


Before you embark on building your second base, there are a few things to consider. Let’s explore these factors:

  1. Resource Availability: The usefulness of a base depends on the resources available in its vicinity. Avoid building your base in areas with limited resources to ensure ample harvest prospects.

  2. Plateau Proximity: While Plateaus are important for fast travel, building your base too close to one might limit its usefulness. Opt for a location further from a Plateau to have more fast travel options.

  3. Defense Potential: Consider the defensibility of your chosen location. Building a base near cliffs can make it easier to defend, as it limits the number of invasion routes for raiders.

Best Locations for a Second Base in Palworld


Now, let’s explore some of the best locations for your second base in Palworld. These spots offer a perfect balance of resources, defensibility, and convenience.





Rayne Syndicate Tower入口の北


Rayne Syndicate Towerからそれほど遠くない場所には、安全性と資源の供給量のバランスが良い場所があります。このエリアでは鉱石、Paldiumの破片、木材、石材、食料など様々な資源が提供されます。敵はまだ攻撃してくるかもしれませんが、基地の正確な配置によっては防衛の可能性は高まります。この地域を探索する際には、Cativia、Gumoss、Cremis、Pengullet、Chikipi、Hocartes、Eikthyrdeerに注意してください。




Islandhopper Coastで採取する


資源と素早い移動ポイントの必要性を完璧に組み合わせたい場合は、Islandhopper Coastに向かってください。このエリアには豊富な鉱石と共に豊富な木材、石材、食料があります。崖に近い場所に建設することが理想的です。このエリアを探索する際には、Lamball、Melpaca、Eikthyrdeer、Cattiva、ChikipiなどのPalsに注意してください。簡単な防御と豊富な資源は、この地域を2番目のベースとして選ぶのに優れた選択肢となります。

🔗 Palworldのさらなるヒントやトリックを探索しましょう!


  1. 13 Node Spot Map: あなたのPalworldベースの理想的なガイド
  2. Steamworld: Palworldで最初に建設すべき10のベストビルディング
  3. なぜGaleclawがPalworldで注目すべきなのか
  4. これらのヒントであなたのPalworldのマスタリーを解放する
  5. Palworldでより多くのエキサイティングなPalsとロケーションを発見




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