次の『あつまれ どうぶつの森』:マイルストーンとリワードの強化 🎮🏝️

ニンテンドーは新しい『あつまれ どうぶつの森』のゲームをまだ発表していませんが、ヌックマイルシステムの改良はこのシリーズにとって大きなメリットになるでしょう


The next Animal Crossing game should separate achievements from Nook Miles.

Animal Crossing New Horizons Daily Quests

While Nintendo hasn’t officially announced a new Animal Crossing game, fans can hold onto hope based on the series’ usual release cycle. Historically, a fresh installment arrives every 4 to 5 years, which suggests a potential release in either 2024 or 2025. Though the theme of the next Animal Crossing game has not been disclosed, it’s likely the sequel to New Horizons will retain some core features of its predecessors like Nook Miles.

Introduced in New Horizons, Nook Miles have quickly become a beloved mechanic. However, there’s exciting potential for late-game adjustments that could fuel further engagement and fresh experiences for players. For instance, detaching Animal Crossing milestones from Nook Miles could unlock a lot more gameplay flexibility.

The Surplus of Nook Miles Can Be Frustrating

Animal Crossing is often celebrated for its charming world and relaxing gameplay, but its current approach to the milestone system could use some tuning. For instance, for many players, Nook Miles in New Horizons have become quite a problem because they’re too easy to earn. As time progresses, players have reported it’s too easy to hit the max Nook Miles because there doesn’t appear to be enough to spend them on or exchange them for.

The maximum amount of Nook Miles a player can have in one account is 9,999,999.

Though hitting landmark goals such as obtaining gold tools offers players a sense of achievement, it lacks the long-term engagement that further rewards have the potential for. Furthermore, in the past, gold tools in Animal Crossing have also been a cause for debate because they require too much time and dedication. As such, it might be a better option for Nintendo to completely disconnect Nook Miles from the milestone progression system.

Animal Crossing Should Implement A Materialistic Reward System

Instead of stunting growth after acquiring too many Nook Miles, Nintendo could introduce a more tangible reward system that incorporates both short-term and long-term objectives. This would provide players with a sense of continuous progress and motivation, while also offering instantaneous rewards for completing the daily tasks. The Animal Crossing community is quite diverse in its preferences; while some people may enjoy daily activities, others may want to grind for more difficult incentives.

Free items upon completion of different Animal Crossing milestones could be the solution for the next installment. A random free item after completing five daily tasks could be quite engaging, though it wouldn’t need to be anything special. This could include, but not necessarily be limited to:

  • 🧥 Articles of clothing
  • 🎊 Decorations
  • 📚 Recipes
  • 🎵 Gyroids

For larger, more difficult-to-complete milestones, players should unlock a rare Animal Crossing item. These wouldn’t be ordinary rewards; instead, they would be coveted treasures that only the most dedicated residents have taken the time to acquire. Perhaps this could take the form of more exclusive recipes, fully customizable furniture, or unique songs.

That intriguing element of surprise could not only motivate players to continue grinding, but it would also keep their experience fresh and exciting. Reserving special, curated items for significant milestones would directly add a tangible goal to strive for. By implementing a tiered reward system with both random and specific prizes, the next Animal Crossing could significantly enhance the appeal of milestones and encourage continued exploration of its charming world.


Q&A: プレーヤーが知りたがっていることは何ですか?

Q: 次の「あつまれ どうぶつの森」が期待できるのはいつですか? A: 任天堂は公式のリリース日を発表していませんが、シリーズの歴史に基づくと、2024年か2025年に新しい作品が期待されます。

Q: ヌックマイルって何で、なぜプレイヤーたちはそれにイライラしていますか? A: ヌックマイルは、プレイヤーがさまざまなタスクを完了して稼ぐことができる「あつまれ どうぶつの森:新しい地平線」の通貨です。ただし、プレイヤーはヌックマイルが簡単に手に入り、それを使う限りない見返りにイラついていると報告しています。

Q: 次の「あつまれ どうぶつの森」でニンテンドーがマイルストーンシステムを改善するにはどうすればよいですか? A: ニンテンドーは、プレイヤーに継続的な進歩とモチベーションを提供する質の高い報酬システムを導入できます。これには、日々のタスク完了で無料アイテムを提供し、大きなマイルストーンには、ユニークなレシピ、完全にカスタマイズ可能な家具、またはユニークな曲などの希少かつ独占的な報酬をアンロックすることが含まれます。

Q: 次の「あつまれ どうぶつの森」でプレイヤーが見たい報酬の一部は何ですか? A: プレイヤーは、日々のマイルストーンを達成することで無料の洋服、装飾品、レシピ、ジャイロイドを受け取りたいと考えています。大きなマイルストーンには、よりユニークなレシピ、完全にカスタマイズ可能な家具、またはユニークな曲などの希少かつ独占的なアイテムをアンロックしたいと希望しています。

今、次の「あつまれ どうぶつの森」の次回作を熱望し、よりエキサイティングなマイルストーンと報酬が私たちのゲームプレイ体験を向上させてくれることを願っています! 🌟

参考リンク:- 次の「あつまれ どうぶつの森」のテーマInsomniac’s Venom Game: マイルズ・モラレスのような選択は正解か?「あつまれ どうぶつの森」の金の道具「あつまれ どうぶつの森」のマイルストーンプレイヤーは希少な「あつまれ どうぶつの森」アイテムをアンロックすべき
