PとWo Longの嘘:堕落した王朝:予期せぬ魅力的なコラボ

「大いに期待される『Lies of P』のDLCは待ち遠しく、今後のソウルライクゲームの発展に果敢なコラボレーションが続くことを願わしいです」


P DLC Features Clear Crossover Content to Explore

Neowiz’s Lies of P and Team Ninja’s Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty recently surprised gamers with an unexpected collaboration that brought intriguing gameplay diversity. This surprising exchange of content between the two games allowed players to acquire iconic items from each other’s universes, resulting in a unique and refreshing gaming experience.

What Valuable Information Does This Collaboration Provide?

The collaboration between Lies of P and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty offers exciting gameplay enhancements. Players of both games had the opportunity to acquire weapons and costume pieces inspired by the other game. In Lies of P, players could wield Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty’s Azure Dragon Crescent Glaive, while also donning armor and bandana pieces resembling the attire from Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. On the other hand, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty players gained access to Lies of P’s Puppet Saber and Etiquette Umbrella.

This exchange of iconic items not only added variety to the gameplay but also introduced a fresh visual aesthetic for players to enjoy. It brought together two distinct gaming universes, allowing fans of both games to experience something new and exciting.

What Can We Expect in the Future?

While this collaboration appears to be a one-time event, there are hints that more crossovers could occur. Speculation has arisen that Lies of P’s upcoming DLC will feature a Peter Pan theme, and a post-credits tease from the base game suggests that a full-fledged sequel centered around The Wizard of Oz is in the works. These potential themes indicate that Neowiz aims to explore more public domain fairy tales, expanding the franchise’s inventive and lucrative possibilities.

Additionally, the success of this collaboration opens up possibilities for future collaborations with Team Ninja. Rise of the Ronin, their upcoming game, could potentially introduce new weapons and costume pieces to Lies of P and vice versa. Imagine wielding a revolver or a rifle with a bayonet in Lies of P, or equipping Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty characters with the Acidic Crystal Spear or Krat Police Baton from Lies of P. The potential for these crossovers is exciting and could bring even more diversity and fun to both games.

Q&A: What Other Collaborations Could We See in the Future?

Q: Will Lies of P and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty collaborate again?

A: While it’s uncertain if these two games will collaborate again, the success and positive player response to their initial exchange of content make future collaborations a possibility. It ultimately depends on the decisions made by Neowiz and Team Ninja, but we can hope for more exciting crossovers in the future.

Q: Are there any plans for collaborations with other games?

A: Although no official announcements have been made, the concept of collaborations between different games within the Soulslike genre is thrilling. Lies of P 2 or Lies of P’s DLC potentially receiving content from another game like Nioh would be incredible. The mutual exchange of unique items and gameplay elements would add immense excitement to the gaming community.

In Conclusion

The unexpected collaboration between Neowiz’s Lies of P and Team Ninja’s Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty brought intriguing gameplay diversity and iconic item exchanges between the two games. While the specific collaboration may have concluded, the potential for future crossovers remains exciting. Players can look forward to the upcoming Lies of P DLC, which is rumored to revolve around a Peter Pan theme, as well as a possible full-fledged sequel based on The Wizard of Oz. Moreover, the anticipation of collaborations with Team Ninja’s Rise of the Ronin brings a world of possibilities for new weapons and costume pieces in both games.

Let’s witness the magic of these collaborations and embrace the exciting gameplay experiences they bring!



  1. Lies of P と Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty のコラボレーション
  2. FromSoftware にとって Souls-like ゲームで記憶に残るボスのギミックをよみがえらせる時
  3. ローニンの台頭は3月末に始まる

✨ 記事を楽しんだら、友達と共有して一緒に興奮を広めましょう! ✨
