


Prominent Pokemon Go player seeks account recovery post severe hack

A devastating blow has befallen the Pokémon Go community as one of its most prominent players, FleeceKing, had his game account hacked. In a cruel twist of fate, some of his rarest Pokémon were irreversibly deleted, erasing countless hours of hard work and dedication. This shocking incident serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities in the online gaming world.

The Unfortunate Victim

FleeceKing, who holds the prestigious Guinness World Record for being the first player to reach Pokémon Go’s current Level 50 cap, has been an avid player of the game since 2017. Over the years, he has successfully captured over 2 million Pokémon, making him a legend within the community. However, his triumph was short-lived.

A Heartbreaking Discovery

Last night, FleeceKing discovered that his account had been breached when a video surfaced on social media, revealing someone else using his account. To his horror, his beloved Pokémon were being deleted before his very eyes. The caption accompanying the video read, “Niantic, your servers are shit #PokemonGO.” This unnerving experience left him at a loss for words and deeply saddened.

The Perpetrator Unknown

The question on everyone’s mind is how the hacker gained access to FleeceKing’s account. Unsurprisingly, neither Niantic nor FleeceKing’s own account details were compromised, according to the hacker’s claims. This mystery adds another layer of intrigue to the already mind-boggling situation. Could this be an isolated incident, or is a more significant security breach at play?

FleeceKing’s Cry for Help

In the wake of this harrowing ordeal, FleeceKing reached out to Niantic, the developer behind Pokémon Go, while sharing his distress. He expressed his hope that the company would intervene and restore his access to the game. However, the emotional toll inflicted on him raises doubts about his future enthusiasm for playing.

The Fate of FleeceKing’s Pokémon

The agonizing uncertainty looms over whether FleeceKing’s account can be fully restored with his prized Pokémon intact or if they are lost forever. Niantic has previously maintained a firm stance that deleted Pokémon cannot be recovered, even when the deletion was unintentional. This raises the question: will the company make an exception for a high-profile player like FleeceKing, or will the rules remain unchanged?

Q&A: Addressing Concerns of Pokémon Go Players

Q: How can I protect my Pokémon Go account from hackers? A: Securing your Pokémon Go account is crucial! Make sure to use a strong and unique password, enable two-factor authentication, and beware of suspicious links or apps claiming to enhance gameplay. Stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity to Niantic immediately.

Q: Can Niantic recover deleted Pokémon in case of a hack? A: Unfortunately, Niantic has stated in the past that deleted Pokémon cannot be restored. However, given the unique circumstances surrounding FleeceKing’s situation, there may be a glimmer of hope for reconsideration. We’ll have to wait and see how the developer responds.

Q: How does Niantic handle security breaches like this one? A: Niantic takes security breaches seriously and continuously works to enhance the safety of players’ accounts. They investigate each incident thoroughly and take appropriate action to prevent future occurrences. It is advisable to follow any security updates or guidelines provided by the company.


This distressing incident involving the hacking and deletion of FleeceKing’s Pokémon serves as a stark reminder of the risks faced by passionate gamers. As the Pokémon Go community awaits Niantic’s response, the outcome of this unfortunate event will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact. Let us stand together in support of FleeceKing during this challenging time and hope for a positive resolution in restoring his love for the game.

Reference Links: – Niantic: How to Keep Your Pokémon Go Account SecurePokémon Go Subreddit: Discussing Security BreachesPokémon Go Support Page: Reporting Suspicious Activity


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