🎮『Helldivers 2』でのチート問題 無限弾薬、ゴッドモード、サンプルの悪用!😱

「おそらく避けられなかった2024年の大ヒット作『Helldivers 2』が不正行為で悩まされていた」


Helldivers 2 cheats ruin the grind for unlucky players – GameTopic

Helldivers 2, the explosive co-op focused third-person shooter that took 2024 by storm, has fallen victim to a scourge as old as gaming itself: cheating. Players have reported an onslaught of cheats and exploits that are wreaking havoc on the battlefield. From infinite ammo to god mode, these hacks are turning the Helldivers 2 experience upside down.

👾 Unleashing Chaos: Exploits Galore!

In the world of Helldivers 2, imagination knows no bounds. And unfortunately, cheaters are taking full advantage of that. Exploits like the infinite stratagem glitch have become all too common, causing even more chaos on the battlefield. Players are left scratching their heads in bewilderment as enemies rain down from the sky and bullets fly endlessly. It’s enough to make even the most seasoned Helldiver question their sanity.

🔫 Samples: The Currency of Progression

But the cheating doesn’t stop there. Some players have found themselves matched with cheaters who effortlessly obtain hundreds of samples from missions. These samples are a key currency in the Helldivers 2 progression system, used to purchase ship module upgrades. These upgrades grant powerful passive buffs that can turn the tide of battle in an instant. Normally, obtaining samples is a grind that takes time and effort. But with cheaters running amok, it feels like an unfair shortcut.

⚙️ Rollbacks and Grind Remorse

One player, after unwittingly joining forces with a cheater, wondered if their progress could be somehow rolled back to a time before they acquired an exorbitant number of samples. The community has witnessed a surge in sample cheating, with players expressing frustration and disappointment at having their hard-earned progress tainted. Redditor ForeverDesperate5855 lamented, “Cheaters ruined my experience with the grind. It’s just a bit upsetting that I also got those samples and ruined 80% of the grind.”

😡 The Battle Against Cheaters

Arrowhead, the developer behind Helldivers 2, is no doubt eager to address the cheating issue head-on. Legitimate players, unfortunately, become collateral damage when matched with cheaters in pickup groups. In response, the community is advising affected players to reach out to Arrowhead and request a rollback. It’s a small glimmer of hope in this chaotic world of cheats and exploits.

🌟 Beyond the Battlefield

Amidst the turmoil, Arrowhead continues to push forward. The weekend was deemed a resounding success, with Helldivers 2’s servers handling the player load without a hitch. Now, the developers have their sights set on further improving the game in ways unrelated to server stability. Players are also embroiled in debates about kicking teammates who don’t adhere to ‘meta’ builds. It seems that even amidst chaos, players can’t help but debate the rights and wrongs of their virtual world.

📚 A Guide in Troubled Times

In the face of these challenges, GameTopic is here to lend a helping hand. Check out our comprehensive Helldivers 2 guide for tips, tricks, and strategies to navigate the madness. Arm yourself with knowledge and take the fight to the bugs and robots!

🔗 References:Helldivers 2 – Infinite Ammo, Speed Hacks, and God ModeSamples are a Key Currency in Helldivers 2 ProgressionCheater Makes Sample Payout Maxed Out Beyond ImaginationCheaters Ruin 80% of the GrindHelldivers 2 Players Debate Rights and WrongsGameTopic’s Comprehensive Helldivers 2 Guide


📢 エンゲージしてシェアしましょう!

フェロー・ヘルダイバーからの声を聞かせてください!ゲームに混乱を招くチーターに遭遇しましたか?勝利と挫折の物語を以下のコメントでシェアしてください。そして、ソーシャルメディアで情報を広めるのを忘れないでください。チートの流行に立ち向かいましょう! 💪🎮✨

Wesleyの記事、GameTopicのUKニュース編集者。Twitterで彼に会える: [@wyp100] (https://twitter.com/wyp100)。Wesleyに連絡する: [email protected] または機密取引が必要な場合は [email protected]