Helldivers 2 銀河協力と壮大なバトルのガイド



10 Tough Missions in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2

In the chaotic world of Helldivers 2, players must join forces to defend Super Earth from the relentless onslaught of robots and aliens. As a squad of up to four helldivers, you’ll embark on missions across various planets, working together to save the galaxy and preserve humanity’s way of life.

Missions in Helldivers 2 are generated randomly, offering different choices for each of the nine difficulty levels. Choosing the right mission for your squad is crucial, as some objectives are considerably more challenging than others. Strategic thinking and coordination are essential for success.

So, grab your weapons, don your armor, and get ready for some intense battles. Here’s a guide to some of the most thrilling and demanding missions you’ll encounter in Helldivers 2.

Chapter 1: Conduct Geological Survey

Conduct Geological Survey

Conducting a geological survey may sound straightforward, but it involves multiple steps and requires patience and teamwork. Once you reach the dig site, you’ll need to call down a drill using the D-pad inputs. One player must then interact with the drill’s terminal and wait for it to conduct its survey. This process needs to be repeated several times for a complete survey.

However, it’s not as simple as it seems. While the survey is underway, you’ll face relentless waves of enemies that will try to disrupt your progress. It’s crucial to defend the area and delegate the terminal inputs to one player for smoother coordination.

Chapter 2: Eliminate The Charger

Eliminate The Charger

Chargers are some of the most dangerous foes you’ll encounter, known for their thick armor and deadly charges. Taking them down requires precision and firepower. Armor-piercing weapons like the Recoilless Rifle, Expendable Anti-Tank, and Railgun are your best bet against these powerful adversaries. Alternatively, you can aim for their unarmored parts or shoot them in the legs to cripple their mobility.

Coordinating with your squadmates and selecting the right Strategems will greatly enhance your chances of success in these challenging missions.

Chapter 3: Sabotage Supply Bases

Sabotage Supply Bases

Destroying Automaton Supply Bases requires thorough exploration of the map. These missions take time as you’ll need to locate and destroy fuel reserves and ammo stockpiles spread throughout the area. Grenades can swiftly take out the ammo stockpiles, but be cautious as they have a tendency to explode and cause collateral damage.

To destroy the fuel reserves, you can rely on powerful Orbital Strategems. Be prepared to travel the entire map and equip the right Support Weapons and Strategems for optimal results.

Chapter 4: Purge Hatcheries

Purge Hatcheries

Approaching a Terminid hatchery means engaging in fierce close-quarters combat. Terminids are vicious defenders of their eggs, and they tend to spawn from Bug Holes in the vicinity. To neutralize these threats, use flamethrowers, shotguns, grenades, or Orbital Napalm Strikes. Destroying multiple eggs simultaneously is key to progress, while the rest of your squad focuses on eliminating the waves of terminids.




Sabotage Air Base




Eliminate The Bile Titan




Launch ICBM




Eliminate Automaton Hulk




Blitz: Search And Destroy





Rescue Scientists

研究者を救出することは、市民を激しいプレッシャー下で守る能力を試す非常に難しいミッションです。 短い制限時間と数多くの敵との戦いの中で、脅威を排除することと市民を解放することをバランスよく取る必要があります。 ドアが開かれるたびに、3人の市民が戦いに加わり、敵の攻撃を受けやすい状況にあります。

このミッションに成功するには、細心の注意を払った計画立案、調整、そして適切な戦術が不可欠です。 チームと協力し、秒を争い、そして科学者たちの安全を確保してください。


スリリングなミッション、激しい戦闘、そして卓越したチームワークが必要な Helldivers 2 は、忘れられないゲーム体験を約束します。 ギャラクシーを救うビジネスで成功するには、戦略、調整、そしてユーモアが必要です。 それでは、仲間と一緒に装備を整え、より一層のエピックな冒険に備えましょう。

今度はあなたの番です! ミッションの中でどんな困難に直面しましたか? 成功への戦略は何ですか? 以下のコメント欄であなたの考えやストーリーを共有してください!

🔥 おすすめ記事:

  1. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League – Chapter and Main Mission List
  2. Teen Titans: Thunder and Lightning
  3. Chargers are dangerous: How to deal with them effectively
  4. Defeating Bile Titans: Tips and tricks
  5. Missions that should not be done solo
  6. Best Strategems for evacuating civilians in Helldivers 2

ソーシャルメディアで私たちをフォローするのをお忘れなく @GamingInsider より多くのゲームニュース、ヒント、そして笑えるミームをシェアしましょう! この記事を仲間のヘルダイバーと共有して、ゲーミングコミュニティ全体に興奮を広めましょう!
