


Top 6 Hardcore PSP Games That Will Test Your Skills and Patience

Pursuit Force

Sony’s first portable gaming console, the PSP, may not have been a hit in the West, but it certainly had its fair share of hardcore games that pushed the limits of skill and patience. If you’re a hardcore gamer looking for a challenge, these PSP games are definitely worth checking out. From flying adventures to epic battles, here are the top 6 hardcore PSP games that will test your skills and patience.

6. Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier

Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier

GameFAQs Difficulty: 3/5

The last game in the Jak and Daxter series, The Lost Frontier, captured the spirit of the previous games but had its fair share of problems. The flying segments in the game, reminiscent of Star Fox, proved to be quite challenging due to the wonky control setup on the PSP. Additionally, the camera angles during shooting segments could be frustrating, leading to unexpected deaths. Despite these issues, The Lost Frontier still managed to satisfy fans of the series.

5. God of War: Chains of Olympus

God of War: Chains of Olympus

GameFAQs Difficulty: 3/5

A prequel to the popular God of War series, Chains of Olympus puts players in the shoes of an angry Kratos before his deal with the gods went sour. As a literal God of War, the challenges you face in this game are no walk in the park. However, one of the biggest hurdles was the PSP’s analog nub, which was not designed for precise movements. This made quick time events and rotating objects a frustrating experience. Despite the control limitations, Chains of Olympus still managed to deliver the intense action the series is known for.

4. Pursuit Force

Pursuit Force

GameFAQs Difficulty: 3/5

Pursuit Force was ahead of its time when it came to cop games, offering an interesting gameplay setup. Players would go on missions involving high-speed vehicle chases, seamlessly switching between cars, boats, and other vehicles for added variety. The catch? These missions were short with minimal checkpoints, leaving little margin for error. The controls weren’t perfect either, making the already challenging missions even more difficult. Despite its shortcomings, Pursuit Force paved the way for future cop games like Sleeping Dogs.

3. Killzone: Liberation

Killzone: Liberation

GameFAQs Difficulty: 4/5

Unlike its first-person shooter predecessors, Killzone: Liberation took a top-down approach with tactical elements. While players have the option to run-and-gun, careful use of cover is crucial as the orange-glowing Helghast soldiers can quickly overpower you. Cover mechanics in this era of games weren’t as refined, leading to some awkward moments and untimely deaths. Even with difficulty settings, the game remained challenging, requiring strategic thinking and precise execution.


2. サイフォン・フィルター: ローガンの影

サイフォン・フィルター: ローガンの影

ゲームの難易度: 5/5


1. パタポン


ゲームの難易度: 3/5



Q: 他に言及すべき挑戦的なPSPゲームはありますか?

A: 絶対に!リストに載っていない他の挑戦的なPSPゲームには、ダクスターメタルギアソリッド: ピースウォーカー、そしてレジスタンス: レトリビューションがあります。これらのゲームは、ゲームスキルを限界まで試すユニークな体験を提供しています。

Q: これらのゲームのリマスター版や更新版はありますか?

A: はい!God of War: Chains of Olympusパタポンなど、いくつかのゲームはPlayStation 4向けにリマスター版を受け取っています。これらのリマスターはビジュアルを磨き上げながら、同じ挑戦的なゲームプレイを維持し、これらの愛されるクラシックを新しい方法で楽しむ機会を提供します。

Q: 携帯ゲーム機向けの他の挑戦的なゲームをお勧めできますか?

A: 携帯ゲーム機向けのより挑戦的なゲームをお探しの場合は、任天堂スイッチ向けのダークソウル: リマスターや任天堂3DS向けのモンスターハンター: ワールドをチェックすることをお勧めします。これらのゲームは報酬がありつつも挑戦的なゲームプレイ体験を提供し、数時間を楽しませてくれるでしょう。




